Craft Beer Night at SAAG Craft Beer Friday Takeover!
Alright, so a really good friend/colleague invited me to a beer tasting here in town. I decided that since I had never been to one it would be a good to go out and try the beers they had. When I got there they had five beers to choose from (pic below). As I have stated in the past, the hoppy beers are not my favorite beers to drink and number 2 on the list, the Intergalactic Space Dragon IPA was probably the worst of the five but it was not a bad beer by any means its just that the other beers were just so much better then this beer. This beer was a hoppy beer I would be okay having a couple more of this beer. The Kolsch was nothing special but still better then the IPA. The Black Currant Kettle Sour was honestly the most surprising of the whole tasting. I had my reservations about this style of brew and I was hesitant in trying it. I am glad I did as I was thoroughly surprised with this beer as it was a super tasty fruity beer with a small sour taste that stuck around on the tongue at the end. The Imperial Russian Stout though!!! WOW! what a fantastic beer that was! I just could not stop drinking it! At the 9% alcohol it hit me pretty hard. I might of even had a couple to many. The last beer I did not try until closer to the end of the night but one I did I found it to be quite delicious and a great beer to finish off the night.Beer-Can-Chicken
The next half of this post if about the second half of the title of this post. This was a complete test and never would have thought that it would work as well as it did. This is the Beer-can-chicken I cooked using a craft beer from the Tool Shed Brewery in Calgary, AB. The beer I used was called People Skills. No, I did not get any more skills in talking with people but I did manage to get this chicken just right and not burn it on the BBQ. The flavor from this beer was amazing! Sure a fruity taste on a chicken is not everybody's favorite thing to eat but when I say that this chicken was juicy I mean it was probably the juiciest chicken I have ever had so far in my life. Yes, I did use a recipe I might have seen on TV but it was mainly just for the seasoning of the chicken. (Pics Below). People Skills is a amazing Cream Ale that to me is just smooth and refreshing. It has this wonderful fruity flavor that stays on the tongue with a bit of a bite of hops at the end! Yes, I know, hops! But to be fair with this beer it really is the perfect balance and has the perfect amount of hops. I would recommend this beer to anyone who can get their hands on it!

Yes, I know I again lied as I said I would go check out the other brewery in town! I just have not been able to find the time to go visit! I promise though that I will visit soon!
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