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Showing posts from 2018

Summer time! Part 1

Wow what a summer it was! 2018 was a good year for craft beer in Alberta! All the specialty one off  beers that were coming out to what seemed like almost weekly were incredible. I mean i tried a triple IPA and if you have read previous posts I never drink IPAs yet alone triples. If you want to see all the beers from my summer go and request to be in my Facebook group "Craft beer 101" and you will be able to see all the beers I got the chance  to indulge in! I have posted so many beers this summer that now I have become "The beer guy" at work. I mean, I have even created a Instagram profile called Craftbeerfan101 and i post beers on their as well, not as frequent as Facebook though. But this post is going to be more about the start of my summer and some of the fun things I got to do and to get my hands on to drink. Enjoy! 2 Brewery Tastings!! Fathers Day was a good day this year! My dad brought me to two different and brand new breweries in Sylvan Lake, AB. The...

Last years favorites

This is Why 2017 was the Best Funny Trend So a funny trend has presented itself to me after re-reading all of my blogs, I thought pointing this  out because I must really love the Blindman Brewery! I only have four posts but it seems like I have only been drinking their beers! This post even has one of their beers in a picture! Moreover, since I have talked so much about this brewery I think I really have to get my ass over to this brewery and get the true experience and of course drink their amazing beers!  Last Years Summer Favorites Alright so last summer was the when I really got into Craft beer! I did a lot of research on my own time and learned a lot, not enough to call myself an expert or a connoisseur as they are so called, but I did learn a little about the different types of beers, and the brewing process. Last summer I chose to find 3-4 breweries and try all of there beers and those breweries were the Blindman Brewery, Lacombe AB, The Troubled Monk...

Great Craft Beer and Cooking with Craft Beer!

Craft Beer Night at  SAAG Craft Beer Friday Takeover! Alright, so a really good friend/colleague invited me to a beer tasting here in town. I decided t hat since I had never been to one it would be a good to go out and try the beers they had. When I got there they had five beers to choose from (pic below). As I have stated in the past, the hoppy beers are not my favorite beers to drink and number 2 on the list, the Intergalactic Space Dragon IPA was probably the worst of the five but it was not a bad beer by any means its just that the other beers were just so much better then this beer. This beer was a hoppy beer I would be okay having a couple more of this beer. The Kolsch was nothing special but still better then the IPA. The Black Currant Kettle Sour was honestly the most surprising of the whole tasting. I had my reservations about this style of brew and I was hesitant in trying it. I am glad I did as I was thoroughly surprised with this beer as it was a super tasty fruity ...


Two Special and Amazing Seasonal Craft Beers  Today, I just felt like I needed to write about these beers I was able to get my hands on because I  feel like I need to make sure people read this, find out about these beers and if possible get their hands them! I mean their is nothing better then being able to drink a beer you know has been made carefully, with amazing ingredients and crafted by individuals who are just trying to make amazing beers for everyone to enjoy. Alright, so it seems like a lot of breweries are starting to come out with some seasonal beers and let me be one craft brew fan and say, damn!!! There are some good beers coming out right now and I cannot wait to get my hands on more of these seasonal beers. Lethbridge is a little out of the way for some breweries to ship to but thanks to Andrew Hilton (local liquor store) for being on the ball and bringing in all these fantastic beers and helping conquer the thirst of all the craft beer fans in Lethbr...

Local Craft Brewery 1

All right everyone, so I am going to be honest here but I have been to this brewery a couple times as it is quite literally at the end of the street from where I work. It is called Coulee Brew Company. It is this big beautiful building and inside has a really nice warm contemporary country feel to it. As soon as you walk in there is the bar counter with all of its glorious taps front and center. They have several of there own beers on tap and I have even spotted another beer from another craft brewery a time or two. The last time I was there I just went to fill a my 2 liter growler with my favorite beer Bears Hump Nut Brown Ale. Coulee Brew to my knowledge only has 6 main stay brews on tap. Coulee Brew is a really great place to socialize and have a nice relaxing beer after work with little bite to eat. Coulee Brew has a kitchen, I know right, craft beer straight from the tank along with bar food, what could be better? Oh wait nothing! Although, I have my reservations about some...

Intro and Beer

So, who likes beer? I do! The craft beer and brewery scene is blowing up here in Alberta, Canada. They are everywhere and it seems like every time I go the the liquor store there is a new brewery that I have never heard of before.  I started to be interested in craft beer about 2 years ago and have not looked back since. I am a 26 year old, married father of one... so far and I have worked as a correctional officer for over the past six years. Anyways, enough about me, lets get back to the topic, beer! Why all of a sudden did the craft brew scene blow up? Who cares! Its awesome and I do not think anyone is complaining about it. Sure, I have a couple of favorite breweries already but I want to get out of this rut and try beer from different breweries and that is why i started this blog so that I can write and tell people about these breweries, AND try new beer! But, I have also become accustomed to my palate and I know what I like and don't like. I have really grown into loving th...